IL House Committee Hearing

The Illinois House Public Utilities Committee held its joint hearing on proposed carbon capture-related bills Monday morning. WAND, a central Illinois media outlet, published this summary entitled Illinois lawmakers, advocates consider future of carbon capture storage.

IL House to consider future of Carbon Capture April 24

Please file a witness slip in support of HB3119 before 11AM on April 24. (Instructions below.)

The subject matter hearing on Carbon Capture (CCUS) that we have been waiting for will be this coming Monday, April 24. A joint meeting of the Illinois House Energy and Environment and Public Utilities committees starts at 11:00 a.m. CST. You can tune into the hearing at the Illinois General Assembly in a virtual hearing room TBA.

Supporters of HB3119, the Carbon Dioxide Transport and Storage Protections Act, will underscore key bill components:

  • shields the state from financial risk
  • protects landowners’ rights by eliminating eminent domain and forced acquisition of pore space (underground) rights
  • requires a life-cycle analysis, showing that a project is net-carbon negative
  • bans use of captured CO2 for enhanced oil recovery
  • helps Illinois achieve its climate goals

You can download the Illinois Clean Jobs Coalition’s Fact Sheet here.

To learn more, visit the Coalition to Stop CO2 Pipelines here.

Please file a witness slip in SUPPORT of HB 3119 by clicking here.

Witness slip instructions

If you haven’t already, we suggest that you create an account so you can track and edit your slip if you make a mistake.

Complete the witness slip.

The link above takes you to the Public Utilities Committee hearing details page. To file a witness slip, click on the Create Witness Slip button in the committee meeting description.

  1. If you’ve created an account and signed in, Sections I & II below will be filled in automatically.

If you haven’t created an account:

  1. Identification = complete your info. For “Firm/Agency” just put “Self.”
  2. Representation = “Self.”
  3. POSITION = Several bills are included in this hearing. Please OPPOSE (Opponent) HB2202 and SUPPORT (Proponent) HB3119.
    • Select Subject Matter from the dropdown, then click the Position radio button.

You can submit your position on both bills at once by first completing your position on one bill, then click the Add Position button to complete the second.

  1. TESTIMONY = Record of Appearance ONLY
  2. Check the box at the bottom “I agree to the Terms of the Agreement.” (Not displayed if you’ve created an account)
  3. Click the “Create(Slip)” button.

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