CCS is energy-intensive and expensive.
need info on this…
CCS is not an effective use of money.
The US should invest more in renewable energy sources that do not emit carbon in the first place, rather than spending our valuable tax dollars on CCS.
Figures can be misleading.
Estimates of the amount of carbon emissions a project would capture are often insignificant to solving the problem. For example, taking 1,000,000 cars off the road for a year results in 4.6 million metric tons. In the US cars generate a billion metric tons per year, so that’s less than .5% of the US contribution from cars per year. CO2 emissions from all sources in the US total 4.6 billion metric tons in 2020, so a million cars equal .1%.
CCS at emission points does not reduce atmospheric CO2.
Capturing carbon at points where CO2 is emitted, such as gas-fired electricity plants or ethanol plants, does not reduce atmospheric CO2. CCS can never store more than it captures, and does not capture all the CO2 emitted.
Federal and state regulations are inadequate.
Federal and state regulations are inadequate, potentially endangering people and other life forms. The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Administration’s (PHMSA) May 2022 Failure Investigation Report on the Denbury CO2 pipeline rupture in Satartia, MS resulted in starting its rulemaking process to strengthen its safety oversight of CO2 pipelines. PHMSA estimates completion in October 2024.
Infrastructure at scale would use a lot of land.
The infrastructure needed for CCS, such as pipelines and storage facilities, at scale requires a lot of land. If CCS were to mitigate 15% of total CO2 emissions, the CCS industry will need to be two to four times larger than the current global oil industry.
Pipeline construction disrupts agricultural productivity.
During the Dakota Access Pipeline construction (year?), landowners experienced damages that persist today. Construction adversely impacts the fertility of cropland for years – even permanently. Pipeline companies typically offer a three-year reimbursement program, which may not be enough.
“When they take soil out, they never put it back together in the same way it came out. The productivity of the soil is going to be changed a great deal. The pH changes, all the micronutrients change, the fungi, and the enzyme mixtures as well. And then they are driving over that area continuously; the compaction with clay created a hardpan.”
Iowa landowner Keith Puntenney
CO2 transported through pipelines risks public safety.
CO2 must be under tremendous pressure to be in liquid form for transport. A pipeline break could be catastrophic. CO2 is an asphyxiant and toxicant. It is odorless and colorless. In high enough concentration, it will kill humans. First responders and hospitals are not prepared for a mass gassing like that which occurred in Satartia, Mississippi in 2020.
Our tax dollars support CCS at federal and local level.
The subsidy provided by public monies through the Federal 45Q Tax Credits make these projects viable.
Road maintenance and repair, time and resources spent by counties throughout the process, cost of pipeline rupture damages, crop loss beyond three years, and more, will be borne by the public.
Since there is no decommissioning plan, the cost may fall on local communities. A pipeline easement could mean massive property value loss and county revenue loss.
No Eminent Domain for private gain.
Pipeline companies cannot build these pipelines without our public money and our land. This pipeline is not a public utility. The profits go to the company and its investors. A private company owns the infrastructure. Eminent domain should not be used for private gain.